Stage your Home Using These 12 Tips

Home StagingBefore you sell your home it’s important to whip it up into shape. Follow these 12 tips and your property will be catching major attention for prospective home buyers.

  1. Get rid of grime. Nobody likes grimy bathroom walls. To get rid of surface mold, mix one part water and one part bleach, then spray it on the walls. You can also do a minor upgrade and apply a fresh coat of paint for an updated look.
  2. Paint your bathroom tiles. Instead of replacing your bathroom’s outdated tiles, a low-cost alternative would be to apply a coat of high-adhesion primer and brush a special ceramic epoxy covering.
  3. Make your master bedroom gender neutral. It’s of paramount importance to appeal to both sexes when selling a home. Stick to a neutral paint color, and complement the walls with bedding that matches the color scheme. If there’s a his-and-hers closet, you can add items that are gender-specific.
  4. Consider getting a pedestal sink. Vanities are bulky and take too much space. To show more square footage in your bathroom, invest in a pedestal sink.
  5. Transform an outdated fireplace into a modern beauty. You don’t have to tear down your old, outdated fireplace. Turn it into a selling feature by getting rid of outdated elements like brass screens. Give it a good scrub, use a stone color enhancer, and polish the bricks until they shine as if they are brand new.
  6. Stain old kitchen cabinets. Instead of replacing your outdated kitchen cabinets, give them a new look by staining them in even strokes. Add some stylish hardware for some pizzazz.
  7. Invest on granite countertops. It can be expensive, but granite countertops are a great investment and a huge selling feature as they add character and depth to any kitchen.
  8. Buy new kitchen equipment. According to recent studies, new appliances yield high investment returns from sellers. You don’t have to replace everything – replace key pieces that will instantly upgrade your old kitchen into a new one.
  9. Add built-in bookshelves. Storage is one of the factors that can make or break a sale. Add built-in bookshelves and dress them up with neutral yet attractive items in clusters.
  10. Improve your curb appeal. The best way to attract a potential home buyer’s attention is to stop some traffic. Give your home’s exterior walls a fresh coat of paint that will invite home buyers to check out your place. Flowers in bloom are a great addition as well.
  11. Renovate your outdoor deck. Sand the wood of your outdoor deck and use a light-colored stain for a rustic yet updated look. Stage it with furnishings for entertaining, and you can easily hold an open house cum deck party.
  12. Stage your home to show true potential. For an effective home-staging, pick pieces and furniture that will show off a space’s potential, including its functionality. That way, home buyers will easily envision themselves living in the property.

A few minor upgrades can easily boost your property and attract plenty of offers. Check out this link for more home selling tips.
